
bébé blanket

Makes one 42"x46"ish crib blanket.

Two pieces of Flannel, 1.25yd x 45" wide each
One Fat Quarter of a small print Quilting Cotton (for bias binding)

Lay flannel pieces wrong sides together (WST), smooth everything out and then trim edges and selvedges to match and square up fabric. Round corners by tracing coffee can / saucer / etc at edges and trim.  Pin edges if desired. 

Bias Binding - My favorite tutorial is by Jona Giammalva on her "Stop Staring & Start Sewing" blog: 

I cut the binding 2" wide so it wraps around the edge of the quilt nicely. Simply iron it in half, right sides out, no need to fold the edges into the center like traditional bias tape. 

Blanket - Stitch around the edge of the flannel pieces WST, using at 1/4" seam allowance. This will hold the blanket edges together while you stitch on the bias binding. 

Lay the binding's raw edge along the raw edge of the blanket, somewhere in the middle of one side. Leaving a 6" or so binding tail, start stitching binding to blanket using a 3/8" seam allowance, ending about 10" from where you started.  Diagonally seam the two binding tails together - my favorite tutorial is by Monika Kinner-Whalen on her blog "My Sweet Prairie", (including an alternate method of making bias binding):

Finishing - Press the binding along the reverse side of the blanket; you may need to trim the flannel close to your first round to stitching so the binding overlaps all of the stitches.  Handstitch or machine sew the binding to the reverse side of the blanket. Attach a label with the baby's name and a note from you!

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