
so terribly clever (almost)

 Big accomplishment for today - Labels printed with the urchin logo!

Spent hours thinking about how to stamp all the receipts with our address & info, since our alphabet stamp wasn't legible, plus I wanted to put the shop name on all the shopping bags.  How to get the urchin (which is a hand-carved stamp) into the computer to include in such labels??  Well.

Turns out if you stamp address labels and then send them through the printer - voila! Labels all printed with the logo and done in your fancy font and company colors. Only took all afternoon, but feel so very professional now.

When I got home and was relaying the hours of computer tinkering leading up to my genius discovery, Mom interrupted with, "Why don't you just stamp the labels and then print them?", which of course she had figured out in about 4 minutes.

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